Sumptuous surroundings, witty repartee and large helpings of scandal make historical romances quite simply splendid.
Georgian romances
Ladies of Worth series
From the gaming hells of 18th century London to Bath’s fashionable Pump Room, the Ladies of Worth series opens up a world of romance, wit and scandal to its readers. With formidable heroines and honourable heroes who match each other wit for wit you’ll find yourself falling in love with the Ladies of Worth.
Hearts of the Hall series
One house. Three generations. Six unforgettable characters.
Spanning the Georgian, Regency and Victorian generations of the Derringer family, the Hearts of the Hall series follows the women who capture the hearts of the Derringer gentlemen. Get swept away in the romance, misunderstandings, secrets and happily-ever-afters of this multi-author series by Philippa Jane Keyworth, Rachel Knowles, and Edwina Kiernan.

Regency romances