I always like reading interviews of other writers. I find it fascinating to learn about the way they write and what they have achieved. That’s why I feel so horribly remiss – I am late in putting this interview into the internet-space-waves as my brain has apparently been replaced by a sieve in recent weeks… Anyway, less chat from me – here is my interview with Maria Grace:
Tell me a little about yourself? (e.g. name, what type of food you like etc)

My pen name is Maria Grace because my last name is essentially unpronounceable unless you’re related by blood. I wouldn’t want readers to have to try and remember how to spell it to find my books.
As for other stuff about me, wow, that’s actually hard to pin down. Since I have a pretty low boredom threshold—which is probably why I write in the first place—I don’t fit into a lot of molds. I’m on my third career now, each of them I’ve come in through a funny little side door and didn’t know I was there until I looked up one day and realized it. Among other things, I was a college professor for 16 years.
Ironically, I never took a history or an English course in college, having placed out of them, nor have I taught either of those subjects. Academically my areas are sociology, psychology and education, which interestingly enough, makes for a great background for mothering and for writing.
I’ve done a little bit of a whole lot of things. I fenced a little in college and earned two black belts with my sons. I sewed my own wedding dress and did the flowers and cake for my best friend’s wedding. I have cooked banquets for 250 and delivered instructional workshops to groups of 300. I enjoy photography and taking wild cave tours with my family. I love to learn new things, especially unusual stuff.
When did you start writing?
I started writing in the third grade. I have those first penciled efforts in a special box in my office. In middle school I wrote my first short story anthology, followed by my first two novels. In high school I produced another five novels, I think. They also have a place in that box—where no one else can see!
What genre do you write in and why?
Currently, I am writing historical fiction, as to why, I’m not sure. Like I said before, I kind of looked up and discovered I was in the middle of it well after I’d started. Of course that did make things rather challenging because I had no idea of just how much research I needed to do for the book and I had a lot of catching up to do.
My earliest efforts were in the science fiction/fantasy genre. I haven’t given it up. I have the rough drafts of a three book science fiction series in my drawer waiting editing and the notes for a fantasy novel in my plot-bunny zoo.
Tell me about your latest book?
I just released All the Appearance of Goodness part three of the Given Good Principles series. It is a Jane Austen inspired piece that explores how the events of Pride and Prejudice might have been different had Darcy and Elizabeth been able to follow the ‘good principles’ they had been given. They meet each other with considerably less pride and prejudice, but other challenges test their principles along the way.
Tell me a bit about your work in progress?
The real question is which one? I have 6 in progress right now. I have another Austenesque piece finished and waiting for final edits. One more Austenesque piece is three quarters through the rough draft. But probably the next thing I will work on is my science fiction series. The underlying idea for that was: what might it look like if Regency era culture and mores occurred in a technologically advanced, space-faring society. My hero and heroine are from vastly different social classes but must come together to stop their version of Napoleon from conquering their home worlds and peoples.
What are your three main author’s aspirations?

My author’s log-line is Creating characters with character, so I suppose I want to write timeless stories (that’s one), that people enjoy (that’s two) and that inspire people to become better versions of themselves (and that’s three).
What would you never write? (e.g. genre)
I think I will probably never write a mystery. I enjoy them and have the greatest respect for those who write them. I just can’t wrap my head around how to put all the pieces together.
Favourite author (include classic and modern if poss)?
I have enjoyed so many authors I really don’t know how to choose a single favorite among them.
Most importantly, do you prefer writing with pen and paper or a computer?
I guess pen and paper are my favorite really. I do write at the computer a lot because it saves me the effort of transcribing it. But when I get stuck, I always pull out the pen and paper. Somehow the scratch of the pen on paper taps a different bit of brain space and it almost always unsticks me. Each of my projects has its own pretty notebook—I have a thing for pretty office supplies—that I carry around with me all over the place. I am rarely without a pen and notebook at hand.
Thanks so much for having me today!
You’re most welcome Maria!
Maria Grace can be contacted at:
Email: author.MariaGrace@gmail.com.
Facebook: facebook.com/AuthorMariaGrace
Amazon.com: amazon.com/author/mariagrace
Maria’s Website: Random Bits of Fascination (AuthorMariaGrace.com)
Twitter: @WriteMariaGrace
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/mariagrace423/
You can buy Maria’s latest book using these links:
All the Appearance of Goodness
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Appearance-Goodness-Given-Principles-ebook/dp/B00BWAJ0TE
Book blurb:
What is a young woman to do? One handsome young man has all the goodness, while the other the appearance of it. How is she to separate the gentleman from the cad?
When Darcy joins his friend, Bingley on a trip to Meryton, the last thing on his mind is finding a wife. Meeting Elizabeth Bennet changes all that, but a rival for his affections appears from a most unlikely quarter. He must overcome his naturally reticent disposition if he is to have a chance of winning her favor.
Elizabeth’s thoughts turn to love and marriage after her sister, Mary’s, engagement. In a few short weeks she goes from knowing no eligible young men, to being courted by two. Both are handsome gentleman, but one conceals secrets and the other conceals his regard. Will she determine which is which before she commits to the wrong one?
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